Wednesday, April 14, 2010

OK - so it's been awhile... but I'm back!

I am finding the new me and she's keeping me busy. Which is a great thing!

So here we are just past 13 months post-op and I'm officially on "One-Derland" which for the unofficiated means that my weight no longer starts with a 2. First time in 20 yrs (or just under - I don't know when I crossed that threshold but I know it was right around the year after I finished at university so I'm guesstimating 1991-1992?).

I am on the cusp of completing one of my goals for 2010: getting my Group Fitness Certification through the YMCA-YWCA in Ottawa. I have completed my Basics course, the group fitness fundamentals and the choreography class just this past Saturday. Up next? First Aid and CPR this coming Sunday. Then in May I start my Apprenticeship, get teaching some classes and when I'm ready, the practical evaluation.

I am really enjoying the newfound physical activity in my life. Honestly, if you'd told me I'd be doing even half of this stuff 6 months ago, I would have laughed at you.

So far this week, I have done a 4.5 km run (well... I walked for 10 min - 5 min warmup & cooldown and ran for 25 min non-stop which was probably 3.5 km in that 25 min) around the neighbourhood and today I did my first Spin class at the gym.

First about the run - I have to say I had an awesome experience yesterday. I had a very stressful day (dealing with folks at the Canada Revenue Agency relating to my GST returns for my old business - 'nuff said, right?) and I was going to blow off the gym but I knew I needed to get out of the house and run. (Still makes me giggle to type that!)

Got my mp3 player out, popped into my workout gear and off I went. It was right around 5pm so I decided to go around the far side of my neighbourhood. I know my warmup walk gets me pretty close to the traffic lights at Woodroffe & Claridge so it's a good place to start my run - no "running interruptus" so to speak!. I got to the lights just as they turned green so I hit "go" on my mp3 (I'm listening to the C25K podcasts by Ullreys!) and off I went.

Within a minute, I passed my friend Rob (he's probably the closest thing I have to a personal trainer - he's worked with me since the fall of 2007 and although I'm no longer a full time client, I see him as needed at the BMI Medical Institute) and with a discreet wave, I kept on going (he was on his bike going the other way). I felt my pace was a little fast so I slowed it down a tad but it wasn't horribly stressing so I pushed a little more than I have in the past. Took a minute or two of the run to find my breath - I haven't run in a week so it was a little "off" and I had a moment of "can't-do-it-itis" but I pushed the thought out of my head and jogged on.

I got a huge lift as I neared the elementary school - I passed another jogger who smiled and gave me a little wave so I waved back. How friendly! (Keep in mind I usually am solitary at the gym on my treadmill - jogging outdoors is still fairly new.) Keep on slugging and about a km further along my path, I passed another jogger who waved - how very social! And then a speed walked issued forth a "hello!" and by the time I got home, I had passed 3 more ladies who offered waves/smiles of encouragement. I felt like I was floating - seriously! The last kilometer was a challenge - slightly uphill followed by a downhill but I finished it and I think the sorority of my fellow joggers helped me push on through.

I'll come back and post about my first Spin class. My tush is still so sore I'm not sure I can sit much longer without going for a quick stroll/stretch. :)